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Jodi and Kevin's How We Met Page
*** Now see individual's comments below

Jodi's Story:

Here's the story, much to mom's dismay:

It was a Saturday night late July, 1998 and my friend Mariam and I were at a neighborhood bar. While finishing our drinks we decided to amuse ourselves by talking to some available guys (of which there were many milling around). Mariam spotted three guys near us who appeared to want some company. She approached one (who we'd later find out was Bret) and told him that her friend (me) wanted to talk to him. Well that worked and we talked to him for a while. His friends saw that the conversation was going well and decided to join our in. We then met Lou and Kevin and started talking to each of them. I met Kevin last and for some reason (because I had never done this before) I gave him my phone number and asked him to call me if he wanted to go out for coffee. I wrote my number on a receipt in my purse, handed it to him and left the bar.

I left soon after for two one-week vacations on the beach with a one-hour stop over in NYC between trips. A week later I left for vacation in Hilton Head. While on vacation, Kevin called and asked me out to dinner. Meg got the message and relayed it to me. She said he sounded "cute" and so I returned his call and told him that I'd be away for a week and would call him when I returned.

During my one hour stay in the city I met up with Meg and Sean and we decided to go to a different neighborhood bar for a drink before my ride came. We chose a bar that we never go and one that we haven't been to since. While there, I noticed Kevin was there too. I poked Meg and told her that I thought that was the guy who I had met at the Evelyn a week or so earlier. What a coincidence! Our of all of the bars in New York City we were both at the same one that night. I went up to Kevin and surprised him because I was supposed to be at the beach. Little did I know that he was on a date with another girl at the time. His friends (Lou and Brett) covered for him. I later learned, that had Kevin not seen me that night he might not have followed up on our date and continued to see the other girl (who Lou kept pushing for - thanks, Lou).

When I got back from the beach I called Kevin and set a date for dinner (Aug. 18, 1998). We hit it off right away and the rest, as they say, is history.
Kevin's Story: (i.e. what really happened)

It was a Saturday night late July, 1998, that much we agree on.

Lou, Bret, and I went out to the Evelyn (a local bar) to watch Bret work his magic on the ladies. Even though Bret had a great gameplan we ended up on a couch talking to each other like always. When out of no where a girl came over (who we later found out was Mar) and told Bret her girlfriend wanted to talk to him. Since there were 2 of them Lou went over with him (and for those of you who can count yes I was left alone - I guess Bret and Lou didn't understand the NEVER leave your wingman concept.

After a while it didn't look they like were making much progress so I decided to head over (I was feeling pretty confident since I met a girl the night before and had a date set up for the following week - a very rare occurrence). I talked to Mar for a while and then started talking to Jodi. We talked for a while and we seemed to really hit it off. Of course Lou kept on trying to weasel his way in and convinced Jodi that at some point in the future she should cook for him (a promise unfulfilled he still mentions to this day).

Soon thereafter Jodi and Mar decided to leave, but before leaving Jodi pulled me in and slipped me her number (boy was she aggressive). I still have the receipt she wrote her number on. I called to set up a date the following week and left a message since she wasn't there. I remembered she said she was going away to the shore so figured she wouldn't be calling back right away.

That next Saturday (which was Lou's birthday) I had several people over to my house before we where going to hit the bars. We went to McAleer's and the first to fall was Bob (use this as a word of warning - never play drinking games with wine). Next we went to Moonlighting. I was there with the girl I met the previous week and I was telling Bret I don't think I could ever date 2 people at once since knowing my luck I'd run into them at the same place. Bret (a frequent practicer of the date multiple people at once concept) told me in a city the size of New York that would never happen. While at Moonlighting Bret tapped me on the shoulder and said he thought the girl we met at the Evelyn the week before was there. I thought it was a joke since I was telling him my fear earlier. I turned around and lo and behold Jodi was there and she was moving towards me. Since I was talking with the other girl at the time Bret cut her off for me and started a conversation with her while I talked to Jodi (note another error in Jodi's story - by this time Lou was asleep on a couch in the bar and therefore was of little use to me). After talking with Jodi that night (even for such a short period of time) I realized how beautiful and nice she was and decided I wasn't going to call the other girl again. I set up a date with Jodi for when she got back from Hilton Head and the rest is history.
Lou Foranoce (7/23/00 2:41:24 PM EST):
"I have many comments. First, Jodi, the other girl turned out to be a b****, so Kevin was correct in picking the sweeter girl. Secondly, I never leave my wing man. I waited with you Kevin until Bret gave the high sign to come over. Third, I was not passed out when Jodi came up to you at the bar. I was still standing at the time even though (sic), later I would wind up on the couch. Lastly, and most importantly, I am still owed breakfast."

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